Monday, January 25, 2016

Mental Fountain of Youth

Did you know you can exercise your brain with your feet?
And you can think and feel younger too!

Staying physically fit not only keeps your body strong, flexible and resilient. We now know it does the same thing for your brain. 

Research recently linked cardiovascular fitness to both long-term memory and executive function — the part of your brain that helps you reason, plan and prioritize. 

While testing a group of older men for attention and quick decision-making, scientists mapped their brain activity and found brains of the most aerobically fit functioned most like those of younger men

Choose any favorite moderate-intensity activity — walking, swimming, dancing or biking — for only a half an hour on most days of the week. And remember! Keep it fresh - variety is the spice of life.

Tip: schedule exercise the way you plan any important gathering, celebration or meeting. Block the time right on your calendar every day. 

Invest in your future health, below the shoulders and above!

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