Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Most people believe mental health illness is rare and that it will never affect them. Yet, they usually have a family member or friend who suffers from depression, anxiety, ADD, OCD, PTSD, autism, bipolar, or memory loss from dementia/Alzheimer's--and it often includes anger and rage. They may also believe medication is the only solution, however, a growing body of evidence is beginning to point to one common denominator in almost all disorders. 


According to a World Health Organization (WHO) 2001 study, "approximately 25% of Americans, or about one in four over the age of 18, are diagnosed with a mental disorder per year; 8 million people suffer from depression annually; and about 12 million children under the age of 18 have mental disorders. Even worse, suicide is the third leading cause of death for those
years old and the 6th leading cause of death for 5-15 years old." (1)

Additionally, one in four veterans exposed to heavy combat binge-drink at least once a week, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and it is reported that 22 veterans commit suicide every day.

These are unacceptable statistics. Why has the incidence of mental illness skyrocketed over the years?


Coincidentally, at the 1992 WHO Summit it was reported that 85% of North America topsoil was depleted, deteriorating the nutrition of our food supply at a rapid rate. 

And according to Pimental and Young, "the changes inflicted on soil by human-induced erosion over many years are significant and have resulted in valuable land becoming unproductive." (2)

The implications are clear. The food we set on our table at each meal no longer provides the nutrition our bodies require.


Less known is the fact that the brain comprises 2% of our body weight/mass yet it demands 40-50% of our nutrition and energy intake. If we don't feed our body the nutrients it needs, our brain cannot perform properly.


Take a look at this short 17" important TEDx Talk discussing the link between micronutrients and brain health presented by Julia Rucklidge (PhD, CPsych, FNZPsS, MNZCCP) - Professor, Researcher, and Director of Clinical Psychology at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. 

Surprisingly Dramatic Role of Nutrition in Mental Health

Now you know the truth. Without micronutrient supplementation it is impossible to have a well-functioning brain, and the scene is set for mental health issues to set in. 

If you are ready to build a stronger brain, start taking a high quality micronutrient supplement, like EmpowerPlusTM Q96, that contains 31 bioavailable nutrients specifically targeted for the brain TODAY! 

Take steps now so you can Love Your Life 
and think Better, Faster & Clearer!

(1)  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK20369/
(2)  Pimental, D., Harvey, C., Resosudarmo, P., Sinclair, K., Kurz, D., McNair, M., Crist, S.,
      Sphpritz, L., Fitton, L., Saffouri, R. and Blair, R.: 1995, 'Enviornmental and economic
      costs of soil erosion and conservation benefits', Science 267, 1117-1123.

      Young, A.: 1998, Land Resources: Now and for the Future, Cambridge, Cambridge
      University Press.

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