Are You in Denial?
According to a new WebMD-Shriver Report Snapshot: Insight into Alzheimer’s Attitudes and Behaviors, many of us have conflicting attitudes about Alzheimer’s disease.
(The only disease in the Top 10 Causes of Death in America that cannot be prevented or cured).
It appears that fear and misconceptions about the risk and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease stop most Americans from taking action. Check out this great article on the study's findings:
The study found that even when there is a long family or genetic presence of dementia in brothers or sisters, parents or grandparents we want to close our eyes.
Yet, dementia can strike at any age. And the steps to prevent Alzheimer’s or to plan for the potential financial burden either as patient or caregiver are manageable if you act in time.
We feared my husband was headed down the dementia path and worried Alzheimer's was going to move into our lives soon. Rather than wait, we took action.
First we found a micronutrient supplement that targets brain health. Within 3 weeks he started to show improvement. We also learned about the role sugars, gluten and probiotics play in the development of this devastating disease. (Look for our blog on these three key factors in the near future.)
Next we researched local specialists and programs available in the Phoenix area. Thankfully we found Banner's Alzheimer's Institute, and D. Garrett Riggs, PhD, MD, with its cutting edge research and treatments--and where we worked together to rule out possible medical contributors such as sleep apnea, diabetes, heart disease or lung issues.
Then last week my husband went through an extensive memory evaluation by Dr. Julie Alberty, PhD. We were absolutely thrilled to learn he does not yet have dementia. My husband was diagnosed with Mild Amnestic Cognitive Impairment which may or may not develop into dementia.
We still have time to take action!!!
There are still important additional lifestyle changes we can implement.
So don't wait.