Tuesday, October 28, 2014


In the book Your Miracle Brain, Jean Carper writes “Unquestionably the brain is our most precious physical possession, the seat of our entire being—our intelligence, personality, our humanity, our mind, our soul. Nothing is more central to a successful and fulfilling life than an optimally functioning brain.”

Even with the emphasis today on health and fitness, and the slew of research on factors that can affect the health of the brain, such as lifestyle choices, people seem to focus very little on the importance of maintaining brain health until tragedy hits.

Although the health of our brain is often overlooked, there are many critical lifestyle choices that can affect it. Here are just 10 worth noting. All can dramatically impact the quality and longevity of life.


A growing number of studies support physical exercise as a major lifestyle factor in increased physical, mental and emotional health throughout life. Numerous research studies have especially identified the benefits of aerobic exercise on selective aspects of brain function, improving a number of aspects of cognition and performance.


You know you need to workout to keep your body in shape. Your mind is no different and it is the most important thing you can do to maintain a strong brain. Learning and practicing any challenging skill – a second language, reading, brain teasers, even juggling – can change the structure of your brain for the better.


Cocoa and dark chocolate are recognized as a rich source of flavonoids, mainly flavanols, which are potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. Flavonoids have established benefits in cardiovascular health as well as neurocognition and behavior. The absorbed flavonoids penetrate and accumulate in the regions of the brain that are involved in learning and memory, especially the hippocampus.


Sleep deprivation negatively impacts a wide variety of body functions and can result in significant weight gain if not addressed long term. After just one night of poor sleep, thinking can become unfocused and concentration compromised, creating “brain fog”. Ongoing insomnia has also been shown to increase the risk of suicide and depression, and impair overall mental performance.


Adipose tissue (body fat) secretes molecules that directly influence multiple functions within the brain. Research has clearly established a relationship between adiposity and overall brain volume and cognitive function; as bodyweight increases, brain volume drops and cognitive function worsen. In one study, researchers discovered that visceral abdominal obesity, in particular, was associated with deteriorating brain structure. This was true even in individuals without pre-existing cognitive deficits.


Due to the high metabolic demand for energy in the brain, even small disruptions in glucose metabolism can noticeably impact cognitive performance. Diabetes (hyperglycemia) has been linked with lower levels of neuronal growth factors, decreased brain volume, and higher incidence of all types of dementia; therefore, individuals with diabetes display increased progression of brain atrophy and perform less well on tests of cognitive performance and learning.


Research in the last several decades indicates that those who experience persistent or high levels of stress are especially vulnerable to gradual loss of memory and cognitive health. And it is well documented that stress is an important contributing factor, including to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. A study conducted at the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg concluded, "this suggests that common psychosocial stressors may have severe and long-standing physiological and psychological consequences."     


Hormone imbalance can wreak havoc on brain chemistry and communication between brain cells (i.e., neurotransmission). According to Dr. Klaiber, “Estrogen, progesterone, and the thyroid hormones are as essential to our moods and cognitive abilities as food-based nutrients are to our basic cellular function.” Concentrations of the estrogens, progesterone, pregnenolone, testosterone, DHEA, and other hormones can be higher in the brain than in the bloodstream.


More than two decades ago researchers made an important discovery: intentionally invoking positive emotions is one of the fastest and most effective ways to reduce unhealthy stress.  Therefore, reducing and controlling unhealthy stress levels has become a major focus of many research organizations. In the quest to preserve strong memory and healthy cognitive abilities for as much of our lives as possible, more and more health professionals are turning to proven non-drug interventions as a more desirable alternative. And, one of the most powerful and effective of the positive emotions has been proven to be appreciation.


Good nutritional is important for proper brain development and maintenance of normal cognitive function. Through unique biological functions, various micronutrients affect brain function and the brain requires a constant supply for energy metabolism of neurons and cells, neurotransmitter synthesis and action, nerve impulse propagation, and homocysteine metabolism. Further research shows that deficiencies in various micronutrients, especially B vitamins, have very adverse effects on cognition.

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